Meaning: The Visitation
Explanation: According to Ginther, the words of the groom in the Song of Songs (Statura tua assimilata est palmae) lead to compare Mary to the palm tree and announce the growing of her soul in the face of the adversity and during the Passion of Christ; for her part Elisabeth resembles also the palm tree in relation to the motto Quo annosior, fructior (The more mature, the more fruitful).Therefore the representation of two palm trees leaning towards each other and next to the motto Blanda se pace salutant (They greet each other with loving peace) would recall the greeting and the embrace of these women, being this episode a recurring example to extol the charity and humility of the Virgin.For a detailed explanation, click HERE (in Spanish)
Explanation: According to Ginther, the words of the groom in the Song of Songs (Statura tua assimilata est palmae) lead to compare Mary to the palm tree and announce the growing of her soul in the face of the adversity and during the Passion of Christ; for her part Elisabeth resembles also the palm tree in relation to the motto Quo annosior, fructior (The more mature, the more fruitful).Therefore the representation of two palm trees leaning towards each other and next to the motto Blanda se pace salutant (They greet each other with loving peace) would recall the greeting and the embrace of these women, being this episode a recurring example to extol the charity and humility of the Virgin.For a detailed explanation, click HERE (in Spanish)
This very same emblem can be found in:
• L´Abbé, 1664: 24 (Meaning: the Visitation); • Picinelli & Erath, 1687: 584 (Palma, lib. 9, cap. 26, nº 367. Meaning: idem); • Boschius, 1701: 38 (Classis I, n. DXLI. Meaning: idem); • Benedictine Abbey of Ottobeuren, (Upper Schwabia)